Vote By Mail Resources
How to Vote by Mail
If you have any questions about voting, call our voter hotline (609) 300-6389.
Cape May
7 N Main St
536 Woodbine Ocean View Rd
643 Washington St
2600 Bayshore Rd
207 W Main St
861 Asbury Ave
Cape May County Library – Sea Isle City Branch
9516 2nd Ave
2100 Tuckahoe Rd
4400 New Jersey Ave
500 Mill Rd
1333 Atlantic Ave
Brigantine Municipal Court
890 Harding Hwy
3515 Bargaintown Rd
5045 English Creek Ave
300 E Jimmie Leeds Rd
5901 Main St
100 Central Ave
1600 Shore Rd
18 N 1st St
1 W New Jersey Ave
6201 Atlantic Ave
181 E Commerce St
800 E Commerce St
1768 Main St
590 Main St
12 S High St
3400 College Dr
640 E Wood St
275 N Delsea Dr
736 Landis Ave
1325 NJ-77
590 Shiloh Pike
303 Harding Hwy
491 NJ-45
90 N Broadway
1180 US-40
989 Centerton Rd
1200 N Delsea Dr
Franklin Twp Municipal Building
401 Main St
Mantua Twp Municipal Building
Washington Township Municipal Building
120 Village Green Dr
122 Burr St
290 Mathistown Rd
179 S Main St
Long Beach Island Library
Chesilhurst Municipal Building
Vote by Mail Process
Rules for the New Jersey 2020 General Election
Because of COVID-19, Governor Murphy issued an executive order that makes the 2020 General Election a mostly vote by mail election. Every active registered voter will automatically be mailed a ballot that can be filled out at home and returned by mail for free, or dropped in a secure ballot drop box near you. People with disabilities will be able to vote in person on ADA accessible machines at a polling place on Election Day and anyone can vote by provisional ballot at a polling place on Election Day. All valid ballots will be counted. But the simplest way to make sure your voice is heard and your vote is counted is to return your ballot as soon as you receive it by mail or to drop it in a secure drop box.
How To Vote By Mail
First, you’ll receive an election mail envelope from your mail carrier. Keep an eye out for these in the last few weeks of September and the first few weeks of October and do not mistake it for junk mail! Depending on your county, these will be mailed out between September 15th and October 5th. You will have at least three important things in that envelope. First, your mail-in ballot. Second, your certification envelope and Third your outer return envelope.
The first step is to make sure that you have these three things ready and a black or blue pen handy.
Step two is to fill out your ballot and make sure to vote for Amy. Make sure to mark your ballot clearly with the candidates of your choice by fully filling the bubble next to the candidate’s name on the ballot with your pen.
Your next step is to complete the certification on the envelope flap. You must print your name and address, and then sign your signature on the flap. This is critical and required in order for your vote to be counted. A critical part of the instruction is to ensure you sign slowly and clearly in a manner consistent with how you sign important documents.
The final step is to seal the envelopes and mail your ballot. First, insert your completed ballot inside the certification envelope. Make sure that the flap on the certification envelope is filled out completely and signed, and then seal this envelope. Make sure you do not rip off the flap. Then insert your ballot certification envelope inside of the outer envelope to be mailed back. Seal the outer envelope and complete the return address portion. If you would like to, write the date next to your returns address so there is proof of when you mailed it. Then, you can leave the ballot in your mailbox, bring it to your local post office or take it to a ballot drop box around your county. You do not need a stamp, as postage is included. Your ballot must be delivered to a drop by before 8pm on November 3rd, or post marked by November 3rd.
5 Steps to Vote by Mail
1. Open official ballot envelope from your County Clerk.
2. Find Democrat Amy Kennedy on the ballot.
3. Vote Amy Kennedy by filling the bubble next to her name in blue or black pen.
4. Fold your ballot and put it into the certification envelope. Print your name, address and town on the flap. Sign on the signature line using your signature. Seal it and insert the sealed certification envelope into the outer mailing envelope. Then seal the outer envelope and make sure to include your return address.
5. Put your ballot in the mail – no postage needed – or a drop box by November 3rd. The earlier your return your ballot, the better
Learn About Your County Ballot
Atlantic County
For Atlantic County vote for Amy Kennedy in Column B

Burlington County
For Burlington County vote for Amy Kennedy in Column 1

Camden County
For Camden County vote for Amy Kennedy in Column 2

Cape May County
For Cape May County vote for Amy Kennedy in Line 1

Cumberland County
For Cumberland County vote for Amy Kennedy in Column A

Gloucester County
For Gloucester County vote for Amy Kennedy in Column B

Ocean County
For Ocean County vote for Amy Kennedy in Column B

Salem County
For Salem County vote for Amy Kennedy in Line 2